Sunday 25 September 2016

Day Eight - by Rosie and Shantelle

Today started with the usual 5:45 (6:00am brother time) wake up for a mass at 6:15 (6:30am brother time). After morning mass we enjoyed a nice meal of rice (yet again), scrambled eggs, sausages and fruit. 
It was now time to fill the van with 300+ packed meal bags. The bags consisted of rice and canned soup. These bags were then distributed at Balatas (township near the dump). Many smiles and high fives were given throughout the distribution. Everyone here, young and old were so happy and friendly, never a sad face to be seen. Our stomachs were now grumbling and it was time to head back to the Monastery for lunch. Yes, you guessed it another meal of rice was served. 
In the afternoon the brothers took us on a tour around the city. We visited the Cathedral and the Basilica. The Basilica was adorned with beautiful stained glass windows and the statue of the Lady of Penafrancia. After this we experienced the markets in the City of Naga, we were given 30 minutes to go exploring. The streets were packed and the traffic was buzzing. The girls even managed to come across a McDonalds. 
Our next stop was the Cathedral. The Cathedral was built approximately 400 years ago and was definitely a sight to see. The altar was covered in fresh flowers and the roof was painted in stunning patterns and designs. 
Big thanks to Father Damian who treated us all with an ice cream after a wonderful day of new and exciting adventures. There is never a minute to be wasted with always something to do or go and see. Out time here is flying by and will come to an end sooner then we would like.
By Shantellelle and Rosie.                                 


  1. I'm sure that Macca's would have been the highlight today, keep up the good work and stay in high spirits missionaries. We love you all and look forward to listening to your stories and seeing your radiant smiles once again. Brian Teichmann.

  2. I can guarantee that you probably won't eat rice for a very long after your return. Haha
    Distributing the food bags at Balatas...."feeding and caring for the poor" what we are all called to do.
    Wonderful work Shantelle, Rosie and group!
    Praying for you all xx


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