Wednesday 28 September 2016

Day Twelve - by Christine

We knew our departure from the Brothers at Naga was going to be difficult. The emotions of the week and a half spent there seemed to be heightened by the realisation that we were saying goodbye to brothers that had made our stay there so memorable. Last night we shared a meal and someextremely  entertaining games with them. We shared our journey and celebrated our time together. 
The brothers sent us off with a blessing after mass and we in turn reciprocated with our version of the Irish Blessing. Tears fell and hugs were exchanged and then we were off, until a little way down the road Father realised he had forgotten the passports and we had to return and thankfully not start the process again.
Our flight to Manila was fairly uneventful except for the moment we hit turbulence and the plane fell ever so quickly. Half the the team were thrilled, the other praying Hail Marys. On the way to the Manila Monastery the team were amazed again by the local traffic and the havoc in the streets. Once at the monastery we were introduced to the brothers and given a tour of where we would be spending the next two days. The afternoon consisted of spending time with the children and men in the apostolate. 
We are slowly realising that our time in The Philippines is coming to an end and that the journey we've been on together will be over. 
No one will miss the lack of sleep but there is very little else that we will not miss.


  1. Than you for your our daily photos & stories. I hope that amongst all the emotions you feel a sense of satisfaction for the good work you have done& the lives you have touched. Congratulations to all of you. Sending prayers to keep you safe & looking forward to hearing all you stories when you get home.

  2. Your photos and write-ups were always something to look forward to. Thank you for the effort of posting them. I hope your time in the Philippines, as missionaries even for a short time, will bring you closer to Jesus. God bless you all and your families. Do you realise, when you leave, folks back at Naga will be talking about you (for a long, long time), the wonderful memories they have of you visiting them especially in this "Year of Mercy".
    Praying for your safe trip back to Ingham.
    Maddie Cunnington

  3. Hi Missionaries,
    Greetings from cane country!Many thanks for the wonderful photos and accounts of your experiences. It's hard to believe this is your last day! You have all done something special which will live in the hearts of the people you have met and served for a very long time! Not to mention the memories you have created together and in the hearts of those who have followed your journey. Have a safe journey home. See you all tomorrow.
    God bless, Diane G.

  4. Hi Missionaries,
    Greetings from cane country!Many thanks for the wonderful photos and accounts of your experiences. It's hard to believe this is your last day! You have all done something special which will live in the hearts of the people you have met and served for a very long time! Not to mention the memories you have created together and in the hearts of those who have followed your journey. Have a safe journey home. See you all tomorrow.
    God bless, Diane G.


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